Today we had an interview at the clinic. Obesity Out with Matthewone of our patients who underwent bariatric surgery almost two years ago. The interview was conducted by Dr. Luis Cano, bariatric surgeon of renown in Tijuana. During the talk, Matthew shared his motivating story of transformation and how bariatric surgery changed his life.
The challenges of life before bariatric surgery
Before making the decision to undergo bariatric surgery, Matthew was facing serious health problems. He suffered from diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver y high cholesterol. La gravedad de su condición lo llevó a un punto crítico. “Había apenas salido de una operación grave, estaba casi a morir, casi te puedo decir, porque un paso solamente,” recordó Matthew.
These health problems not only affected her physical well-being, but also her overall quality of life. Diabetes and hypertension limited her daily activities and her ability to enjoy life with her family.
The decision to change
La motivación principal de Matthew para someterse a la cirugía fue la diabetes y la perspectiva de una vida llena de complicaciones de salud. “Más que nada la diabetes, la forma de vida que supe que iba a tener, que si no me operaba iba a tener graves problemas todavía más de los que ya tenía,” explicó.
Matthew knew he needed to make a radical change to improve his health and prolong his life. He decided to put his trust in Dr. Luis Cano and the team at Obesity Out to carry out this important step.
The Obesity Out experience
From the very beginning, Matthew was treated exceptionally well by the team at Obesity Out. “El mejor, siempre me ha ayudado con los de cintos, siempre 100%, todo muy bien,” mencionó, destacando la dedicación y el apoyo constante que recibió durante todo el proceso.
Dr. Luis Cano, a renowned bariatric surgeon in Tijuana, was instrumental in his recovery and his path to a healthier life. Matthew's experience at Obesity Out reaffirms the clinic as an excellent option for bariatric surgery.
Postoperative transformation
Los resultados de la cirugía bariátrica fueron impresionantes. Matthew logró dejar de tomar medicamentos para sus condiciones preexistentes. “Before surgery tenías diabetes, hipertensión, hígado graso y colesterol elevado. Y ahora qué medicamentos tomas para esas enfermedades? Ninguno,” confirmó el Dr. Cano durante la entrevista.
La transformación no solo se limitó a la salud física de Matthew. Su calidad de vida mejoró significativamente. “Mucho mejor, me cambió la vida totalmente, 100%, es totalmente diferente, no nomás las enfermedades, pero físicamente, mental, dormir, todo, ya no estuvo como antes, duermo mejor, vivo mejor,” afirmó Matthew.
Challenges and motivations
A pesar de los beneficios, el camino no estuvo exento de desafíos. “Lo más difícil, la tentación del alimento, pero eso ha sido lo más difícil,” admitió Matthew. Sin embargo, su determinación y su deseo de tener una vida mejor y más larga para inspirar a sus hijos lo mantuvieron enfocado.
Matthew's experience is a powerful testimony of how the bariatric surgery can transform lives. Her story is a source of inspiration for those who are considering this option but still have doubts or fears.
A message from Matthew to other patients
Matthew no duda en recomendar la cirugía bariátrica a quienes enfrentan problemas similares. “Es lo mejor que puedes hacer, es lo mejor, la operación para mí me cambió la vida 100% y me sigue cambiando todavía y mejorando mi vida,” expresó con convicción.
Dr. Luis Cano and the team at Obesity Out continue to be a beacon of hope for many people seeking an effective and safe solution for weight loss and health improvement. Bariatric surgery in Tijuana, under the expert guidance of Dr. Cano, has proven to be an excellent option for those who desire significant and lasting change.
Final reflection
Matthew's story is just one of the many success stories in Obesity Out. His journey from struggling with obesity and associated diseases to achieving a full and healthy life is a testament to the effectiveness and positive impact of bariatric surgery.
If you, like Matthew, are looking for a way to change your life and improve your health, consider bariatric surgery in Tijuana with Dr. Luis Cano. At Obesity OutWe are committed to providing you with the best care and support on your path to a healthier and happier life.